Are You Expecting Big Body Changes with Itty Bitty Weights?

Or are you seriously trying to get stronger?

Are you out there playing around with dumbbells that way less than a loaded up Louis Vuitton? And doing it all in the interest of having “toned” muscles with a long & lean shape?

First of all. Anatomy 101. The length of your muscle is genetic and predetermined. No amount of pulsing leg lifts are going to change the origin & insertion points of your quadriceps.

Also. If your strength level is beyond a level where you can do about 20 reps of that leg lift, you’re not going to create enough of a stress to the muscle where it needs to adapt, rebuild stronger & with more size so that you can actually see that muscle.

So, you’ll get some blood flow going, creating a little pump and connection. You’ll be mindfully moving and not sitting, which is awesome. However, no real physical transformation will occur. Your leg is not going to look any different, nor more importantly, will it be any stronger.

I would never want to discourage anyone from moving. My whole objective is meeting you where you are in your health journey, keep it easy & simple enough that you’re consistent, and progress you as you’re ready.

But is it now the time to progress? And are you afraid of “getting big” or “looking like a man”, or maybe even getting hurt?

I’m a big believer that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Slow & steady wins the race. Throwing too much too soon not only sets you up for injury, but also negates the strategy that will keep you making progress over the long haul.

But don’t play small in your workouts. Take your time, but get strong. It’s empowering. And if you’d like some direction on how you might do that, I’d love to help. I have several programs available where I program your workouts (and offer varying degrees of coaching) to meet you where you are now, with a plan to challenge you from week to week as you progress. Interested? Message me in “Contact” and we’ll chat about the best option for you!

Erin Henry